Happy New Year. I know you don’t remember me but I purchased a poodle from you about two years ago his name is Coco Royal (my name is Yetta Royal) and his parents are Tobie and Bell. Coco has truly changed my family and he is the joy of our day. Even my husband who is a clean freak is always buying new toys and sweaters for Coco which end up all over the house. We go on long walks with Coco as part of our exercise program and we are surprised at how much Coco looks forward to the 2hr walks. All that being said we have come to the conclusion that Coco needs a companion and we would like to find a good playmate for him this year. We are thinking of the brown poodles and I would like the playmate to be male and a toy poodle although Coco is a toy he is a little tall but I would like a smaller toy poodle. Please let me know if you might have a brown poodle available some time this year and if possible the name of the mom and dad so I can see them on the website.


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